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Annual Report 2004

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Directors' Report

Principal activities

Significant changes in state of affairs

Matters subsequent to the end of the financial year


Review and results of operations

Likely developments and expected results

Information on Directors

Information on Company Secretaries

Particulars of Directors' interests in shares and options of BlueScope Steel Limited

Meetings of Directors

Non-Executive Directors' remuneration

Senior executives' remuneration

Details of senior executives' (including Director's) renumeration

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer - outline of employment contract

Share rights granted to Directors and the most highly remunerated officers

Environmental regulation

Indemnification and insurance of officers

Proceedings on behalf of BlueScope Steel

Rounding of amounts


The Directors of BlueScope Steel Limited ("BlueScope Steel") present their report on the consolidated entity ("BlueScope Steel Group") consisting of BlueScope Steel Limited and its controlled entities for the financial year ended 30 June 2004.



During the year the principal continuing activities of the BlueScope Steel Group, based principally in Australia, New Zealand, China, Asia and North America, were:
a. Manufacture and distribution of flat steel products;
b. Manufacture and distribution of metallic coated and painted steel products; and
c. Manufacture and distribution of steel building products.
In addition, the BlueScope Steel Group extended its principal activities to include:
d. Design and manufacture of pre-engineered steel buildings and building solutions through the acquisition of Butler Manufacturing Company.

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The following significant events occurred during the year:
a. On 17 November 2003, following shareholder approval, the Company changed its name from BHP Steel Limited to BlueScope Steel Limited.
b. On 27 April 2004, the BlueScope Steel Group acquired Butler Manufacturing Company, a steel pre-engineered buildings and building components business with operations in North America and China. The acquisition cost $277 million (net of cash acquired) and is consistent with BlueScope Steel's long-term strategy to grow downstream branded products and building solutions.
c. The BlueScope Steel Group is progressing a range of growth initiatives aimed at expanding the manufacture and distribution of metallic coating and painted steel products. The following projects are progressing to schedule:
- Vietnam: the construction of a new metallic coating (capacity: 125,000 tonnes) and painting (capacity: 50,000 tonnes per annum) facility. The facility will cost approximately $160 million and is expected to commence operation in early calendar year 2006;
- Thailand: installing a second metallic coating line (capacity: 200,000 tonnes per annum) at the Map Ta Phut plant. The facility will cost approximately $80 million and is expected to commence operations mid calendar year 2005; and
- China: a new metallic coating (capacity: 250,000 tonnes per annum) and painting (capacity: 150,000 tonnes per annum) facility. The facility will cost approximately $280 million and is expected to commence operation in mid calendar year 2006.

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The following matters or circumstances have arisen since 30 June 2004 that have significantly affected, or may significantly affect, the BlueScope Steel Group operations, results or state of affairs in future financial years.
a. On 1 July 2004 BlueScope Steel Group completed a debut debt raising in the US private placement market totalling US$300 million with terms of seven years (US$100 million) and 10 years (US$200 million).
b. On 28 July 2004, the Board approved an investment of approximately $100 million to increase the nominal capacity of the Hot Strip Mill at Port Kembla from 2.4 to 2.8 million tonnes per annum. The upgrade is expected to be completed in the first quarter of financial year 2006/2007.

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BlueScope Steel paid a fully franked interim dividend of 12 cents per share in March 2004 to its shareholders. On 19 August 2004, it was announced that the Directors have declared a final fully franked dividend of 18 cents per share, which is to be paid on 18 October 2004 (record date 5 October 2004) to shareholders. The Directors have also declared a fully franked special dividend of 10 cents also payable on 18 October 2004.

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  2003 2004 2003 2004
  $M $M $M $M
Sales Revenue        
Hot Rolled Products 2,625.5 2,731.5 471.2 565.1
New Zealand Steel 548.6 560.2 44.4 58.5
Coated and Building Products Australia 2,728.3 2,883.5 118.5 196.7
Coated and Building Products Asia 568.6 689.1 84.0 100.2
Coated and Building Products North America - 191.5 - (8.8)
Corporate and Group 715.9 669.0 (101.8) (61.7)
Intersegment eliminations (1,914.8) (1,986.7) (5.2) (32.1)
Other Revenue 30.0


Operating Revenue/EBIT 5,302.1 5,769.6 611.1 817.9
Net unallocated expenses     (17.5)


Profit from ordinary activities before income tax     593.6 803.4
Income tax expense     (120.9)


Profit from ordinary activities after income tax     472.7
Net profit attributable to outside equity interest     (21.0)


Net profit attributable to members of BlueScope Steel Limited     451.7


Earnings per Share (cents)     57.1


The BlueScope Steel Group has achieved strong financial results for the second consecutive year, delivering a net profit of $584.1 million and earnings per share of 77.8 cents.

The company's revenue increased $467.5 million to $5,769.6 million, primarily due to additional despatch volumes and product mix, and improved price being partly offset by a reduction in the A$ denominated value of sales, due to the strengthening of the Australian dollar.

Net profit after tax increased $132.4 million to $584.1 million. This improvement was due primarily to higher international and domestic steel prices, and higher product despatches. These were partly offset by higher raw material and operating costs, and the net impact of a higher AUD/USD on US$ denominated revenues and costs.

Every reporting segment contributed to BlueScope Steel Group's improved performance. Earnings contributions of the Hot Rolled Products segment increased as a result of stronger hot rolled coil and slab pricing and product despatching. However, higher hot rolled coil and slab feed costs in the second half of the year compressed margins in our downstream Australian Coated and Building segment which otherwise delivered a very positive year on year result. There was a marked improvement in the New Zealand Steel business with the New Zealand domestic market remaining strong. In Asia, BlueScope Steel continues to grow with sales revenue from this segment increasing 21% to $689 million and EBIT of $100 million for the first time.

Butler Manufacturing Company, the world's premier manufacturer of pre-engineered buildings, was acquired in April 2004 bringing a new suite of building and construction products to our Company in China and North America.

The Company commenced a number of growth initiatives, principally a new China coating and painting facility, new Vietnam coating and painting facility and a second Thailand coating line.

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During financial year 2004/05, the Company will continue to work on improving those factors within its control.

The Company's domestic and export markets continue to be strong. Steel slab and hot rolled coil demand continues to be high, with a tightening of markets globally. With increasing demand for steel worldwide, the Company expects steel prices will remain attractive through the first half of financial year 2004/05. China continues to play a pivotal role in global steel industry supply and demand although the direct impact on our sales is currently less that 5%. The Company remains optimistic about the economic prospects in China and Asia generally.

The Company will experience significantly higher raw material costs for iron ore, coking coal, energy and coating metals of aluminium, zinc and tin during financial year 2004/05, together with higher rates on marine freight.

The Company is increasing its research and technology spending by 30% to $40 million in financial year 2004/05 to further advance its competitive edge and increasing its spending on repairs and maintenance by a further $40 million to ensure its increased production capacity and asset lives are protected and extended.

The continued focus on monetary policy as well as elections in both the US and Australia will also add to uncertainty for these economies and exchange rates.

Overall, the Company is experiencing a strong start to financial year 2004/05, however, it is too early to be more definitive regarding the Company's full year results.

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The following were Directors for the year: Graham John Kraehe, AO (Chairman), Ronald John McNeilly (Deputy Chairman), Kirby Clarke Adams (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer), John Crabb, Diane Jennifer Grady, Harry Kevin (Kevin) McCann, Paul John Rizzo and Tan Yam Pin.

Particulars of the skills, experience, expertise and special responsibilities of the Directors are set out on the BlueScope Steel Board of Directors page and form part of this report. Mr Crabb resigned as a Director of BlueScope Steel on 28 July 2004.

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Michael Barron, Chief Legal Officer and Company Secretary, BEc, LLB, ACIS
Michael Barron joined BlueScope Steel in 2002. He is responsible for the legal affairs of BlueScope Steel and for Company Secretarial matters. Prior to joining BlueScope Steel, Mr Barron held the position of group general counsel of Orica Limited where he was employed for 16 years, holding a variety of legal positions in Australia and overseas. His responsibilities at Orica Limited included membership of the executive team and management of the company secretarial, corporate affairs and internal audit functions.

Lisa Nicholson, BSc, LLB, Grad Dip CSP
Lisa Nicholson joined BlueScope Steel in May 2004. She is responsible for Company Secretarial matters for BlueScope Steel and its subsidiaries. Prior to joining BlueScope Steel Limited, Ms Nicholson worked in the company secretariat department of Coles Myer Ltd for 3 years with responsibility for compliance reporting, director-related parties and company policies. She has also worked as a corporate lawyer for companies such as Lend Lease Employer Systems Ltd and DaimlerChrysler Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd.

Laurence Mandie, BSc (Hons), LLB (Hons)
Laurence Mandie joined BlueScope Steel in 2002. He is responsible for the legal affairs of the Market & Logistics Solutions businesses, and corporate functions such as finance and IT, as well as being a company secretary for the group. Mr Mandie joined BlueScope Steel from Freehills, a national law firm, where he had worked in the Mergers & Acquisitions group and as Acting General Counsel and Company Secretary of Pasminco Limited.

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Ordinary shares

Share rights

G J Kraehe


K C Adams*
J Crabb
D J Grady
H K McCann
R J McNeilly
P Rizzo
Y P Tan

* Kirby Adams' current holding of BlueScope Steel Limited Ordinary shares has no connection with any BlueScope Steel Limited executive remuneration program and such shares have been acquired with his own funds.

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The attendance of the current Directors at Board and committee meetings from 1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004 is as follows:

Audit and Risk
Health, Safety
& Environment
  A B A B A B A B A B
G J Kraehe 12 12 * * 6 6 5 5 2 2
K C Adams 12 12 * * * * 5 5 * *
J Crabb 12 12 * * * * 5 5 2 2
D J Grady 12 12 * * 6 6 5 5 2 2
H K McCann 12 12 7 6 * * 5 5 2 2
R J McNeilly 12 12 7 7 6 6 5 5 2 2
P Rizzo 12 12 7 7 * * 5 5 2 2
Y P Tan 12 12 * * 1(1) 1 5 5 2 2

(1) Mr Tan was appointed to the Remuneration and Organisation Committee at the Board meeting on 17 May 2004, which was prior to the Committee meeting on the same day.
All Directors have held office for the entire 2003/04 financial year. Mr Crabb resigned as a director of BlueScope Steel on 28 July 2004.
A = number of meetings held during the period 1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004 during the time the Director was a member of the Board or the Committee as the case may be.
B = number of meetings attended by the director from 1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004 while the director was a member of the Board or the Committee as the case may be.
* = not a member of the relevant Committee, however Directors who are not members of the relevant Committee often attend meetings.


The Non-Executive Directors met once during the 2003/04 financial year without the presence of management.

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Fees and payments to Non-Executive Directors reflect the demands which are made on, and the responsibilities of, the Directors. The Board has determined to review Non-Executive Directors' fees and payments annually. The Board has sought the advice of an expert external remuneration consultant to ensure Non-Executive Directors' fees and payments reflect their duties and are in line with the market. The Chairman's fees are determined independently to the fees of other Non-Executive Directors, based on comparative roles in the external market. The Chairman is not present at any discussions relating to determination of his own remuneration. Non-Executive Directors do not receive share rights. Non-Executive Directors are expected to accumulate over time a shareholding in the Company at least equivalent in value to their annual remuneration. Non-Executive Directors are required to salary sacrifice a minimum of 10% of their remuneration each year to purchase BlueScope Steel shares (instead of cash fees), which are acquired on-market. Shareholders approved this arrangement at the Annual General Meeting in November 2003, and Non-Executive Directors commenced participation in this arrangement in January 2004.

The current remuneration of Non-Executive Directors was last reviewed with effect from 1 January 2004. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman's remuneration is inclusive of Board Committee fees. Other Non-Executive Directors who chair a Board Committee receive additional yearly fees and members of the Audit and Risk Committee also receive an additional yearly fee. Mr Tan (a resident of Singapore) receives a travel and representation allowance recognising his involvement in representing the Board in activities with BlueScope Steel's Asian business and the significant travel requirement imposed in respect of attendance at meetings.

Non-Executive Directors' fees are determined within an aggregate Directors' fee pool limit, which is periodically recommended for approval by shareholders. The maximum fee pool limit currently stands at $1,750,000 per annum (inclusive of superannuation).

Compulsory superannuation contributions on behalf of each Director are paid in addition to the fees. Non-Executive Directors do not receive any other retirement benefits.

Details of the remuneration for the year ended 30 June 2004 for each Non-Executive Director of BlueScope Steel is set out in the following table.

Fee $
Committee Fee
Allowance $
Non-monetary benefits $ Superannuation
G J Kraehe 331,712 - 7,227 19,070 358,009
R J McNeilly 167,365 - - 12,286 179,651
J Crabb 116,058 12,827 - 10,832 139,717
D J Grady 116,058 15,269 - 10,832 142,159
H K McCann 116,058 7,327 - 10,347 133,732
P J Rizzo 127,742 20,154 - - 147,896
Y P Tan 121,827 9,769 - 10,842 142,438

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BlueScope Steel's remuneration policy is directed at underpinning a high performance organisation. The focus of its remuneration strategy is on performance and accountability. Executive remuneration packages are designed to support the delivery of outstanding returns for shareholders by aligning performance-related reward with the value delivered to shareholders.

To compete, BlueScope Steel must be able to attract and retain the very best talent that is available within the global steel industry, while maintaining shareholder value. Our remuneration strategy enables BlueScope Steel to:
- Compete for executive talent by providing competitive remuneration; and
- Maintain an appropriate 'at risk mix' in total remuneration to ensure BlueScope Steel delivers superior performance and grows shareholder value.

The Company complies with the legal requirements applicable to shareholder approval for participation in equity-based executive remuneration plans. Shareholder approval is sought for any shares or share rights to be granted to its Executive Director.

The reward structure combines base salary, short-term and long-term incentive plans and post-retirement benefit arrangements. The cost and value of components of the remuneration package are considered as a whole and are designed to ensure an appropriate balance between fixed and variable performance-related components, linked to short-term and long-term objectives and to reflect market competitiveness. Details of the policy applied in each component are outlined below.

Base Salary

Base salaries are quantified by reference to the scope and nature of an individual's role, performance, experience and market data. Base salary drives the ultimate delivery of total remuneration including both short-term and long-term incentive targets.

Market data is obtained from external sources to determine the market value of positions.

Incentive Plans

The Short-Term Incentive Plan is an annual 'at risk' cash bonus scheme. Goals are established for each participant under the following categories:
Shareholder Value Delivery - financial performance measures are used including Net Profit After Tax, Cash Flow, and Earnings Before Interest and Tax.
Zero Harm - safety and environmental performance measures, including Lost Time Injury Frequency Rates, Medical Treatment Injury Frequency Rates and environmental measures.
Business Excellence - performance measures for the financial year ending 30 June 2004 were focused on delivery performance, days of inventory and the cost of poor quality product.
Strategy - implementation of specific initiatives.

Executives have a weighting of 60% of their bonus on the Shareholder Value measures.

For executives, target bonus levels range from 20% of base salary to 100% of base salary and are set to reflect market competitiveness. For outstanding results, participants may receive up to 150% of their target bonus amount.

The Long-Term Incentive Plan is an award of share rights to eligible executives. Eligibility, performance hurdles and quantity of share rights awarded is at the discretion of the Board. This decision is made annually taking into account the annual business performance results. No financial assistance is provided to executives in respect of any tax liability or costs arising from the exercising of share rights.

Executives are expected to accumulate over time a shareholding in the Company. For senior executives this shareholding is expected to be at least equivalent in value to their annual base salary.

Post-Retirement Benefits

BlueScope Steel operates superannuation funds in Australia, New Zealand and North America for its employees. In these locations there are a combination of defined benefit and accumulation type plans.

Contributions are also made to other international superannuation plans for employees outside of Australia, New Zealand and North America.

Other Benefits

Additionally, executives are eligible to participate in an annual health assessment program designed to ensure that executives have their health status reviewed on a regular basis.

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Details of Senior Executives' (including Executive Director's) Remuneration

The following information represents the annual salary for the year ended 30 June 2004 for the top six executives and the Managing Director and CEO.

Name Cash Salary and Fees At Risk Cash Bonus2 Non-monetary benefits Sub total Superannuation Share Rights Total

Executive Director
K C Adams
Managing Director and CEO3

1,391,346 1,990,000 7,227 3,388,573 204,528 815,218 4,408,319
L E Hockridge
President Industrial Markets
612,500 560,000 17,325 1,189,825 90,038 320,806 1,600,669
K J Fagg
President Market and Logistics Solutions
525,385 370,000 1,554 896,939 73,608 282,882 1,253,429
B G Kruger
Chief Financial Officer
494,338 430,000 7,794 932,132 71,578 247,623 1,251,333
N H Cornish
President Australian Building and Manufacturing Markets
456,153 330,000 37,535 823,688 66,546 242,733 1,132,967
M Courtnall
President Asian Building and Manufacturing Markets
405,095 320,000 13,040 738,135 59,040 199,569 996,744
I R Cummin
Executive Vice President Human Resources (from 1/9/03)
322,500 320,000 - 642,500 45,000 71,256 758,756

1. Valuation of equity remuneration in the form of share rights granted, excludes the effect of tenure risk. For each award, total fair value is pro-rated over the award period, from grant date to expected vesting date.
2. Refer above for details of the at risk cash bonus (Short-Term Incentive Plan). Amounts reflect the estimated annual cash bonus for the 12 months to 30 June 2004 based on actual performance.
Actual annual cash bonus amounts will be paid in September 2004.
3. Mr Adams has elected to take his short term incentive payment in the form of shares in the Company, under the Share Purchase Plan approved by Shareholders on 12 November 2003.

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Outlined below are the key terms and conditions of employment contained within the employment contract for Kirby Adams, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer.

Kirby Adams' employment contract, commenced on 1 July 2002. He receives an annual base pay of $1,350,000. This amount is reviewed on an annual basis in accordance with the Board's senior executive salary review policy. In addition, Mr Adams is eligible to participate in the Short-Term Incentive Plan and, subject to shareholder approval, Long-Term Incentive Plan awards.

Mr Adams may terminate the contract by giving three months' written notice, upon which he is entitled to his annual base pay, which has been accrued but not paid up to the date of termination, plus any vested awards under the Long-Term Incentive Plan, and any other payments which he is eligible for under the Short-Term Incentive Plan. The company may terminate the contract by giving one months' written notice (or a payment in lieu of notice based on Mr Adams' annual base pay) and a gross termination payment equal to 24 months of Mr Adams' annual base pay, plus any applicable Short-Term Incentive Plan and Long-Term Incentive Plan awards, and reimbursement for the reasonable costs of relocation from Australia to the United States of America. The company may also terminate the contract on 30 days' notice in the event of serious misconduct or a serious breach of the contract. In this event, Mr Adams is only entitled to his annual base pay which has accrued but not been paid up to the date of termination plus any vested Long-Term Incentive Plan awards.

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The Company has implemented performance-based executive plans incorporating the granting of share rights.

The following share rights have been granted.

A. July 2002 Award

Nominated executives were awarded share rights in BlueScope Steel Limited in lieu of the awards that would otherwise have been made under BHP Billiton Limited's Long Term Incentive Plans in October 2001. For this award a once-only increase equivalent to an additional 50% of the value of the award was made. This once-only increase was to recognise that, but for the Steel separation, the nominated employees would have been eligible for an award under the BHP Billiton Limited's Long Term Incentive Plans in October 2001, and the first performance period under the BlueScope Steel Long Term Incentive Plan will be shorter than the three year period usually adopted under BHP Billiton Limited's plans. A Share Right is a right to acquire an ordinary share in BlueScope Steel Limited at a later date, subject to the satisfaction of certain performance criteria.

Performance Period

Under the July Award there are two potential performance periods. The first performance period commenced on 15 July 2002 and ends on 30 September 2004. The Board will determine whether there will be a second performance period. If such a determination is made, the second performance period will commence on 15 July 2002 and end on 30 September 2005.


The proportion of share rights that vest at the end of the relevant performance period will be determined by the Company's performance measured in terms of Total Shareholder Return ('TSR'), relative to the TSR of the companies in the ASX/S&P 100 index at the award grant date. The TSR performance hurdle, and percentages of share rights that become exercisable on meeting the performance hurdle is as follows:

80th - 100th percentile 100% 50%
70th - < 80th percentile 90% 50%
60th - < 70th percentile 70% 50%
50th - < 60th percentile 50% 50%
< 50th percentile 50% of share rights awarded will lapse and 50% will
be carried over to a second performance period at the
Board's discretion
None - all unvested share rights will lapse immediately.

Exercise Price

The share rights awarded in July 2002 comprised both nil priced and market priced share rights. The exercise price established for the Market Priced share rights was based on the volume weighted average price of the BlueScope Steel Limited shares sold under the sale facility at the time of the demerger from BHP Billiton and BlueScope Steel shares on the Australian Stock Exchange during the first five trading days. Selected executives received share rights with a nil exercise price.

Details of the July 2002 Award

Grant Date 25 July 2002 25 July 2002
Exercise Date From 30 September 2004 From 30 September 2004
Latest Expiry Date 25 July 2007 31 March 2006
Share Rights Granted 14,335,000 2,800,300
Number of Participants at Grant Date 105 12
Number of Current Participants 99 11
Exercise Price $2.85 nil
Fair Value Estimate at Grant Date1 $5,734,000 $3,276,351
Share Rights Lapsed since Grant Date 976,170 194,900

1 External valuation advice from PricewaterhouseCoopers Securities Limited has been used to determine the value of the Executive share rights at grant date. The valuation has been made using the Binomial Option Pricing Model using standard option pricing inputs such as the underlying stock price, exercise price, expected dividends, expected risk-free interest rates and expected share price volatility. In addition, specific factors in relation to the likely achievement of performance hurdles and employment tenure have been taken into account. Currently, these fair values are not recognised as expenses in the financial statements. However, were these grants to have been expensed they would have been amortised over the vesting period resulting in an estimated increase in employee benefits expense of $4.2 million for the 2004 (2003: $3.8 million) financial year. Note that no adjustments to these amounts have been made to reflect actual forfeiture of shares.

B. September 2002 Plan

Executives were awarded share rights over ordinary shares in BlueScope Steel Limited. These share rights are subject to achievement of performance criteria and other terms on which they were awarded.

Performance Period

The performance period commenced on 1 October 2002 and ends on 30 September 2005.


The proportion of share rights that vest at the end of the relevant performance period will be determined by the Company's performance measured in terms of Total Shareholder Return ('TSR'), relative to the TSR of the companies in the ASX/S&P 100 index at the award grant date. The TSR performance hurdle, and percentages of share rights that become exercisable on meeting the performance hurdle is as follows:

80th - 100th percentile 100%
70th - < 80th percentile 90%
60th - < 70th percentile 70%
51st - < 60th percentile 50%
< 51st percentile None - all unvested share rights will lapse immediately

Exercise Price

The exercise price for all share rights in the September award is nil.

Restriction on Sale of Shares

The executive cannot sell the shares acquired under this award prior to 30 September 2007. Furthermore, any executive who resigns during the two-year holding period forfeits any shares acquired under this award.

Details of the September 2002 Award

Grant Date 30 September 2002
Exercise Date From 1 October 2005
Expiry Date 30 September 2006
Share Rights Granted 4,645,100
Number of Participants at Grant Date 118
Number of Current Participants 116
Exercise Price Nil
Fair Value Estimate at Grant Date1 $4,552,198
Share Rights Lapsed since Grant Date 191,600

1 External valuation advice from PricewaterhouseCoopers Securities Limited has been used to determine the value of the Executive share rights at grant date. The valuation has been made using the Binomial Option Pricing Model using standard option pricing inputs such as the underlying stock price, exercise price, expected dividends, expected risk-free interest rates and expected share price volatility. In addition, specific factors in relation to the likely achievement of performance hurdles and employment tenure have been taken into account. Currently, these fair values are not recognised as expenses in the financial statements. However, were these grants to have been expensed they would have been amortised over the vesting period resulting in an estimated increase in employee benefits expense of $1.5 million for the 2004 (2003: $1.1 million) financial year.
Note that no adjustment to this amount has been made to reflect actual forfeiture of shares.

C. September 2003 Plan

Executives were awarded share rights over ordinary shares in BlueScope Steel Limited. These share rights are subject to achievement of performance criteria and other terms on which they were awarded.

Performance Period

The performance period commenced on 1 October 2003 and ends on 30 September 2006.


The proportion of share rights that vest at the end of the relevant performance period will be determined by the Company's performance measured in terms of Total Shareholder Return ('TSR'), relative to the TSR of the companies in the ASX/S&P 100 index at the award grant date. The TSR performance hurdle, and percentages of share rights that become exercisable on meeting the performance hurdle is as follows:

75th - 100th percentile 100%
51st - < 75th percentile A minimum of 52% plus a further 2% for each percentage ranking. Any unvested SRs will be carried over to be assessed at subsequent performance periods.
< 51st percentile All SRs will be carried over to be assessed at subsequent performance periods.

If the performance hurdles are not met at the end of the first performance period (or are only partially met), four subsequent performance periods will apply. The subsequent performance periods commence on 1 October 2003 and end on 31 March 2007, 30 September 2007, 31 March 2008 and 30 September 2008 respectively.

Exercise Price

The exercise price for all share rights in the September 2003 award is nil.

Details of the September 2003 Award

Grant Date 24 October 2003 (All executives excluding MD & CEO)
13 November 2003 (MD & CEO)
Exercise Date From 1 October 2006
Expiry Date 30 September 2008
Share Rights Granted 2,511,600
Number of Participants at Grant Date 144
Number of Current Participants 143
Exercise Price Nil
Fair Value Estimate at Grant Date1 $6,887,769
Share Rights Lapsed since Grant Date 24,800

1 External valuation advice from PricewaterhouseCoopers Securities Limited has been used to determine the value of the Executive share rights at grant date. The valuation has been made using the Binomial Option Pricing Model using standard option pricing inputs such as the underlying stock price, exercise price, expected dividends, expected risk-free interest rates and expected share price volatility. In addition, specific factors in relation to the likely achievement of performance hurdles and employment tenure have been taken into account. Currently, these fair values are not recognised as expenses in the financial statements. However, were these grants to have been expensed they would have been amortised over the vesting period resulting in an estimated increase in employee benefits expense of $1.6 million for the 2004 financial year. Note that no adjustment to this amount has been made to reflect actual forfeiture of shares.


Share rights granted to Directors and the top six senior executives during the financial year ended 30 June 2004 were as follows:

    $ $
K C Adams 273,300 860,895 Nil
L E Hockridge 97,100 313,633 Nil
K Fagg 82,600 266,798 Nil
B G Kruger 77,700 250,971 Nil
N Cornish 71,200 229,976 Nil
M Courtnall 64,000 208,981 Nil
I Cummin 94,700 305,881 Nil

1 External valuation advice from PricewaterhouseCoopers Securities Limited has been used to determine the value of the Executive share rights. The valuation has been made using the Binomial Option Pricing Model using standard option pricing inputs such as the underlying stock price, exercise price, expected dividends, expected risk-free interest rates and expected share price volatility. In addition, the likely achievement of performance hurdles of the share rights have been taken into account.

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The Company's values document, Our Bond and Health, Safety, Environment and Community ('HSEC') Policy sets out the philosophy of the BlueScope Steel Group with respect to the environment. The Company seeks to continuously improve its performance by reducing and preventing pollution and taking account of changing community expectations and evolving scientific knowledge.  Read Our Bond.

The BlueScope Steel Group has continued to focus on ensuring its systems are robust and that environmental responsibilities are managed. The international standard of ISO 14001 provides a framework for the Company's environmental management system. By 31 December 2003 all then existing BlueScope Steel Group sites had attained certification to this standard. On 2 July 2004, an external audit of the environmental management system at the Port Kembla Steelworks located in New South Wales, Australia confirmed compliance with ISO 14001. Acquisitions over the second half of the financial year have resulted in new sites coming into the company. The BlueScope Steel Group also has underway construction activities at a number of greenfield and brownfield sites. The Company intends that its environmental management system will be implemented at these sites.

The Company notified relevant authorities of 76 breaches of environmental regulations occurring in the Company's operations in Australia during the reporting period. During the financial year, the Company was fined $70,500 under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (NSW) ('PEO Act') over an incident at the Port Kembla Steelworks in October 2001 that caused contamination of Allans Creek, a fish kill and air emissions.

The Company was prosecuted by the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation in relation to one Tier 2 offence under the PEO Act for failure to maintain equipment following emissions to air arising from a loss of power to the Port Kembla Steelworks in March 2003. A fine of $70,000 was received in respect of that prosecution after the close of the financial year.

The Port Kembla Steelworks has entered into voluntary agreements with the NSW Environment Protection Authority to investigate possible land contamination of two areas within its site, the No.2 Steelworks and the recycling area. The investigations have not revealed any immediate concerns however, they have indicated areas that need to be investigated further.

BlueScope Steel periodically publishes reports concerning its environmental performance and proposes to issue a 2004 Health, Safety, Environment and Community Report prior to the end of the 2004 calendar year. The report will provide further details on the Company's environmental performance.

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BlueScope Steel has entered into Directors' and Officers' insurance policies and paid an insurance premium in respect of the insurance policies, to the extent permitted by the Corporations Act 2001. The insurance policies cover former Directors of BlueScope Steel along with the current Directors of BlueScope Steel as set out in BlueScope Steel Board of Directors. Executive officers and employees of BlueScope Steel and its related bodies corporate are also covered.

In accordance with Rule 21 of its Constitution, BlueScope Steel, to the maximum extent permitted by law, must indemnify any current or former Director or Secretary of BlueScope Steel or any of its subsidiaries, against all liabilities (and certain legal costs) incurred as such a Director or Secretary by a person, including a liability incurred as a result of appointment or nomination by BlueScope Steel or subsidiary as a trustee or as a Director, officer or employee of another corporation.

The current Directors of BlueScope Steel have each entered into an Access, Insurance and Indemnity Deed with BlueScope Steel. The Deed addresses the matters set out in Rule 21 of the Constitution and includes, among other things, provisions requiring BlueScope Steel to indemnify a Director to the extent to which they are not already indemnified as permitted under law, and to use its best endeavours to maintain an insurance policy covering a Director while they are in office and seven years after ceasing to be a Director.

The Directors have not included details of the nature of the liabilities covered or the amount of the premium paid in respect of the Directors' and Officers' liability insurance contract, as (in accordance with normal commercial practice) such disclosure is prohibited under the terms of the contract.

In respect of executive officers, under rule 21 of the Company's Constitution the Company, to the maximum extent permitted by law, may indemnify current or former executive officers of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, against all liabilities (and certain legal costs) incurred as such an executive officer to a person, including a liability incurred as a result of appointment or nomination by the Company or subsidiary as a trustee, or as a director, Officer or employee of another corporation.

Under the terms of the agreement for the acquisition of Butler Manufacturing Company, the Company undertook to assume Butler Manufacturing's commitments to indemnify, and maintain insurance in respect of, former Directors and officers of Butler Manufacturing against liabilities incurred by them as Directors and officers, to the extent permitted by Delaware law.

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As at the date of this report, there are no leave applications or proceedings brought on behalf of BlueScope Steel under section 237 of the Corporations Act 2001.


BlueScope Steel is a company of a kind referred to in Class Order 98/0100, issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, relating to the 'rounding off' of amounts in the Directors' Report. Amounts in the Directors' Report have been rounded off in accordance with that Class Order to the nearest hundred thousand dollars.

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Ernst & Young was appointed as auditor for the Company at the 2002 Annual General Meeting.

This report is made in accordance with a resolution of the Directors.


AO Chairman


Managing Director and CEO

Melbourne 18 August 2004

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